Showing 19 Result(s)

Discovering the world of League of Legends through Data

Hello! I share with you this personal journey, as a fan of a great League of Legends (LoL) player called IM ONI, and how through the data that the game offers I have slowly managed to advance in my professional reconversion towards Data Science and Data Engineering. In this post, I will take you through …

Transparent air: A Journey through pollution data in Pays de la Loire in 2023.

Through the Air Pays de la Loire platform, we will explore air quality to understand the complexities of the pollution problem: identifying critical areas and correlating levels with specific human activities during 2023. We will make a detailed analysis of pollutant concentration data recorded at filtered measurement stations in Loire-Atlantique. From nitrogen dioxide to PM2.5 …

Analysis of cycling facilities in Nantes Métropole

In this exploratory data analysis, we examined the database containing information on cycling facilities in the city of Nantes. We used Python and Plotly libraries to visualize and present the results. In 2020/2021, a new comprehensive inventory of cycling facilities in the territory of Nantes Métropole was carried out. This inventory induces changes in …

Exploring genderless names at birth in Nantes (2001-2022)

In recent years, the choice of genderless names has become increasingly common in different cultures. These names make it possible to challenge traditional conventions and promote gender equality. In this publication, we will explore the genderless names used in births in the city of Nantes, France, from 2001 to 2022. We will analyze a database …


Create a chromatic fingerprint from Flickr using Python

Do you love art and colors? Do you want to explore the visual world through programming? In this project, I will show you how to create the chromatic fingerprint of some cities in France using Python and the Flickr API. Get ready for a journey full of vibrant colors and creativity! Introduction: In this tutorial, …